Thank you very much for choosing VOMC for your pet’s surgical and rehabilitation care.  It is a big decision to have major surgery and/or rehabilitation therapy performed on your pet and we understand that the process can be quite stressful.  We wanted to provide you with as much information as possible about the care your pet will be receiving so you know what to expect while they are being treated at VOMC.



Once you have been referred to VOMC by your primary care veterinarian, we will schedule a consultation with one of the VOMC doctors.  Upon arrival, both you and your pet will be welcomed into one or our 5 spacious exam rooms so that you can meet with one of the surgical/rehab nurses and the doctor.  A surgical or rehab nurse will speak with you first so that they can go over the information and history forms.  They will also perform a brief exam and take vitals on your pet.  The doctor will then meet with you and your pet, perform an examination and discuss your pet’s condition and treatment recommendation.  This is a good time to ask a lot of questions and make sure you are comfortable with the diagnostic and/or treatment plans.  

** It is best to fast your pet the morning of your pet’s consultation in case sedation or a procedure needs to be performed on the day of the consultation.



We strive to keep the examination process as comfortable as possible for your pet.  The doctors will perform their initial examination within the exam room.  We may need to take your pet outside or within the walkway to perform a lameness evaluation.  If your pet is fearful or nervous, we will perform the examination in our treatment area or outside; however, we will return your pet to the exam room when the examination is complete.



We will obtain and review any recent diagnostic tests performed by your primary care veterinarian.  If additional diagnostic tests are needed, we will make every effort to perform these on the day of your consultation.  Prior to performing any additional testing, we will provide you with an estimate and obtain your consent.  



If x/rays are needed, we will likely recommend a sedative for your pet so that we can reduce the stress on your pet and keep them as comfortable as possible while we position them for the x/rays.  Sedating your pet will also allow us to obtain excellent quality x/rays that will help us more accurately diagnose your pet’s condition.  The sedatives we use are short-acting and reversible, so your pet can wake up quickly.



We understand that having your pet go under general anesthesia can be quite scary.  Fortunately, the risk of having an anesthesia-related complication and death in a healthy animal is very low.  At VOMC, we take anesthesia very seriously.  Our goal is to keep your pet as safe as possible while they are under anesthesia.  We design a specific anesthesia protocol for each individual patient based on their history, physical status, and any underlying conditions they may have.  They are also closely monitored by a nurse anesthetist using sophisticated monitoring equipment. 



If you decide to pursue surgery for your pet, we will schedule the surgery as soon as possible or whenever you are ready.  Generally, your pet’s surgery will not be performed on the same day as their consultation unless special arrangements are made in advance.  


 The length and types of rehabilitation treatments varies depending on the mobility of your dog.  Pets recovering from orthopedic surgery may need rehabilitation therapy for a finite period while older dogs suffering from arthritis or degenerative conditions can benefit from continuing treatment.  It's typical to begin with four weekly sessions, but the number of treatments and spacing of sessions is tailored to each individual’s needs and schedule.  



On the day of your pet’s scheduled surgery, it is very important that you do not feed your pet in the morning.  We will have you bring your pet to the hospital on the morning of your pet’s surgery at which time we will admit them to the hospital.  We will not be able to give you a specific time that your pet’s surgery will be performed as multiple surgeries are performed throughout each surgery day.  While your pet is waiting for their procedure, they will be attended to and walked outside.  We will text or call you when we are about to get started on your pet’s surgery.  After your pet’s surgery is completed, they will be closely monitored in the recovery area.  The doctor will contact you to give you an update and discuss the surgical findings. 


It is important to us that all rehabilitation and acupuncture treatments be as stress-free as possible. We give a lot of treats, peanut butter and/or cream cheese during the session to make it fun for your pet. Please do not feed your pet that morning or at least give only half their normal amount. Please let us know about any food allergies.



When your pet can be picked-up will be based on their recovery and pain level following surgery.  We will do our best to send your pet home the same day of surgery so that they can recover in the comfort of their own home.  If they are not ready to go home the same day of the surgery, we will recommend they spend the night with the local emergency clinic so that they can be monitored and administered pain medication. When you arrive to pick up your pet, we will go over the home care instructions and medications that need to be given.



We will contact you within 24 hours after you take your pet home to check on their recovery.  This will be a good time to ask any questions or relay any concerns you have about your pet’s recovery.  We are also available via email. 


After your pet has completed the rehabilitation therapy according to the initial plan, Dr. Hardie will perform a reassessment and a new plan will be devised. Also, after the initial Rehabilitation Evaluation, a home exercise plan will be designed for you and your dog. You will be provided with instructions ranging from how to perform therapeutic exercises with your pet to how far and how often to take your dog on walks. Those Home Exercises will be changed as your pet progresses through rehabilitation therapy.

 Ready to set up a consultation?

Get your pet feeling and living better today!