Weight Management Counseling

I’ve been trying to help my dog lose weight with no progress. Can you help?

Helping dogs lose weight can be challenging. Working with you, your dog's current diet is assessed and a nutritional plan is then recommended to best fit your pet's needs.

Will my dog be hungry on a weight loss diet?

In order for weight loss to occur, calories need to be reduced. At VOMC, however, we take a moderate approach to calorie reduction. The amount of food/treats are reduced over three to four weeks to allow your pet to gradually adjust to the change.

Is it really important that my pet lose weight?

Absolutely! In one study, leaner dogs lived an average of two years longer than overweight dogs. Leaner dogs are also less likely to have complications from arthritis, diabetes and heart disease.

What is the benefit of a formal weight loss plan?

First, your dog will be examined and lab work may be recommended to make sure there are no underlying health problems that may be contributing to weight gain. It is healthiest if dogs lose weight slowly and steadily, at a rate of 1-2% of body weight per week. By creating a formal weight loss plan, VOMC can help your pet lose weight safely and successfully.

Ready to set up a consultation?

Get your pet feeling and living better today!