LASER Therapy

What is LASER Therapy?

LASER Therapy is non-invasive utilizing low-level light to decrease pain and inflammation. Most dogs find this treatment very relaxing!

How does LASER Therapy work?

The light energy is absorbed by the cells of the body. The mitochondria in the cells then produce more ATP, energy for the cell. As a result, more enzymes that help with healing and blood flow are produced. 

What is the benefit to adding LASER therapy to my pet’s treatment plan?

LASER therapy has many benefits including accelerated healing, decreased pain, reduced inflammation and increased blood flow.

How long does a LASER treatment last?

LASER treatments can range between 5-15 minutes depending on the condition and number of areas treated. LASER is a cumulative therapy, meaning, more than one treatment is necessary to see an effect. We typically recommend starting with 6 treatments scheduled once to twice weekly.

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Get your pet feeling and living better today!