Acupuncture for Mobility Disorders

What types of conditions can acupuncture help?

While acupuncture can treat a variety of conditions, VOMC uses it to help our patients with neurological or orthopedic problems. Acupuncture can provide pain relief to pets with arthritis, intervertebral disc disease, hip dysplasia and other orthopaedic problems. Patients with neurological problems like Degenerative Myelopathy may benefit from acupuncture as well.

How does acupuncture work?

Very small needles are placed in specific points (acupoints) on the patient's body. Because nerve bundles and blood vessels are found at these acupoints, the area is stimulated. As a result, pain-relieving and calming enzymes are released by the body. 

What can I expect during an acupuncture session?

The number of acupoints treated are determined based on your dog's therapeutic goals and comfort level during the treatment.​ Generally, acupuncture treatments last 20 minutes at VOMC. The first treatment will only be 10 minutes to allow your pet to become familiar with the treatment. Sometimes the lights are dimmed or soothing music is played to help your pet relax.

What is electo-acupuncture?

Often electrical stimulation is added to enhance or lengthen the effect of the treatment. Small wires are attached to specific needles and an electrical current is applied.

Will acupuncture be painful for my pet?

Very small needles are used, so most pets do not react when they are placed. Occasionally a patient will feel the needle being inserted, but then relax once all the needles are in place. Some patients will be sleepy for approximately 24 hours after an acupuncture treatment.

Ready to set up a consultation?

Get your pet feeling and living better today!